White Oak Bayou Association
P.O. Box 920510
Houston Texas 77292-0510
The White Oak Bayou Association was founded by Lynda Mifsud and incorporated in the State of Texas on May 20, 1988. The organization’s primary purpose is: To promote greater public awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of White Oak Bayou, its tributaries and environs by advocating the preservation, restoration, and maintenance of the natural wildlife habitats thereof, while promoting compatible educational and recreational opportunities within the area.
A 501(c)(3) ORGANIZATION - Our board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every other month (except November) at 7:00 pm. If you would like to join us for our board meetings, please call 713.702-8411 to confirm. From time to time we change our meeting date and venue.
Membership Form - you can email us your membership information at contact@whiteoakbayou.org and pay for the membership level through PayPal. Use the Donate button on this page. Or you can download the membership form and mail it to WOBA, P.O. Box 920510, Houston, TX 77292-0510
White Oak Bayou Association Membership Form
Additional resources below:
White Oak Bayou Watershed Map
White Oak Bayou Watershed by Zip
P.O. Box 920510
Houston Texas 77292-0510
The White Oak Bayou Association was founded by Lynda Mifsud and incorporated in the State of Texas on May 20, 1988. The organization’s primary purpose is: To promote greater public awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of White Oak Bayou, its tributaries and environs by advocating the preservation, restoration, and maintenance of the natural wildlife habitats thereof, while promoting compatible educational and recreational opportunities within the area.
A 501(c)(3) ORGANIZATION - Our board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every other month (except November) at 7:00 pm. If you would like to join us for our board meetings, please call 713.702-8411 to confirm. From time to time we change our meeting date and venue.
Membership Form - you can email us your membership information at contact@whiteoakbayou.org and pay for the membership level through PayPal. Use the Donate button on this page. Or you can download the membership form and mail it to WOBA, P.O. Box 920510, Houston, TX 77292-0510
White Oak Bayou Association Membership Form
Additional resources below:
White Oak Bayou Watershed Map
White Oak Bayou Watershed by Zip
Please follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WhiteOakBayou/
Click Here to view our Bylaws
You may renew your membership by clicking on the Donate button below and email the Membership Form to contact@whiteoakbayou.org
You may renew your membership by clicking on the Donate button below and email the Membership Form to contact@whiteoakbayou.org
The White Oak Bayou Association is a 501(c)(3) organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by federal law
Board of Directors
Mark Steuer, President
Bob Lee, Immediate Past President
Jim Pulliam
Nancy Greig
Kelli Fereday
Fred Lindner
Adriana Penabad, Secretary
Teresa Matlock, Treasurer
Bob Lee White Oak Bayou Preservation and BPA Co-Liaison
Mark Steuer BPA Co-Liaison
Wendy Wright Wildlife Habitat
Pete Little Long Time Volunteer and Special Events
Tom Gall WOBA Past President
Fred Lazare WOBA Past President
Kevin Shanley BPA Past President
Jim Mackey Past VP
Carolyn White Past VP
Neighborhood Partners (click on links to learn more about our partners)
Friends of Woodland Park
Friends of West 11th Street Park
Clark Pines Civic Association
Cottage Grove Civic Club
Greater Inwood Partnership
Houston Heights Association
Inwood Forest Civic Club
Lazybrook Civic Club
Mangum Manor Civic Club
Oak Forest Homeowners Association
Shady Acres Civic Club
Timbergrove Manor Civic Club
Timbergrove Manor Neighborhood Association
Harris County Emergency Manangement
Association Founder
Lynda Mifsud
Board of Directors
Mark Steuer, President
Bob Lee, Immediate Past President
Jim Pulliam
Nancy Greig
Kelli Fereday
Fred Lindner
Adriana Penabad, Secretary
Teresa Matlock, Treasurer
Bob Lee White Oak Bayou Preservation and BPA Co-Liaison
Mark Steuer BPA Co-Liaison
Wendy Wright Wildlife Habitat
Pete Little Long Time Volunteer and Special Events
Tom Gall WOBA Past President
Fred Lazare WOBA Past President
Kevin Shanley BPA Past President
Jim Mackey Past VP
Carolyn White Past VP
Neighborhood Partners (click on links to learn more about our partners)
Friends of Woodland Park
Friends of West 11th Street Park
Clark Pines Civic Association
Cottage Grove Civic Club
Greater Inwood Partnership
Houston Heights Association
Inwood Forest Civic Club
Lazybrook Civic Club
Mangum Manor Civic Club
Oak Forest Homeowners Association
Shady Acres Civic Club
Timbergrove Manor Civic Club
Timbergrove Manor Neighborhood Association
Harris County Emergency Manangement
Association Founder
Lynda Mifsud